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The housing marketing is a continuous cycle which ebbs and flows, the one constant value you can control is social media content.  High-quality content will help build and generate clients and ultimately profit.

Content and Social media concept in word tag cloud on black background

Content and Social media concept in word tag cloud on black background


  1. Content Helps You Earn Repeat and Referral Business

Staying in touch and maintaining relationships with current and past clients is key to repeat and referral business.  Establishing drip e-mail and direct mail campaigns with your clients will keep you fresh in their minds.

  1. Content Helps You Nurture Leads

Not every lead is ready to act immediately, or within the next year; it’s important to establish a system that maintains your connections into groups for ongoing communication.  Adjust your content to match those groups.  For example; a weekly market report may be better suited for immediate clients vs. a personally branded newsletter may be better for long term prospects.


  1. Content Helps You Wow Visitors to Your Website

Over 90% of home buyers use the Internet to search for their dream home, realtor and neighborhood information.  Make you website not just about featured listing and contact forms, instead have rich content that will capture your audience – a one-stop shop of information.


  1. Content Helps You Become Search Engine-Friendly

It is important to know that Facebook’s algorithm gives preference to high-quality content and that Google separates video results in searches. Take full advantage of these features to deliver the most valuable information on the Internet and use content to make your Web presence (SEO) known in areas other than just your website.

  1. Content Helps You Resonate in Your Community

Your audience will take notice, when you provide something of value.  Building your brand and reputation as a local market expert will resonate with your clients and add value to your website and/or social media sites.

If you’d like to learn more about RISMedia’s Content Solutions, contact Brett Johnson or Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers, National Association of REALTORS®