Price, Rich & Associates
Alexandria Office
Price, Rich & Associates
Price, Rich & Associates

Alexandria Office
5990 Kingstowne Towne Center
Alexandria, VA 22315

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About Price, Rich & Associates
Price, Rich & Associates

Buying a home nearly always begins with a thoughtful plan, and usually ends with a decision of the heart. Anyone can buy a house. Our job is to help you buy the home you love to live in.

The home-buying process has benchmarks and deadlines. Experience and effective REALTOR® action achieve those milestones in a seamless fashion. Loving your new home should begin with loving the process that gets you there. An effective REALTOR® accomplishes that, is committed to your family, with great outcomes for you.

Selling your home is more than just listing it on the market. Effective marketing and pricing get homes sold. Marketing must be multi-dimensional in our market. Let’s talk about your home and what’s possible for you.

REALTORS® are service providers. Let us serve you today!



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